Conference Dates

30 April, 1-2 May, 2025

Abstract Submıttıon Deadlıne

February 15, 2025


University of Aveiro / Portugal

Honorary Chaırman

It is a great pleasure and honour, as honorary Chairman and representative of the Van Yuzuncu Yil University to invite colleagues from academia and business, as well as young researchers and students from all parts of the world to attend the Global Summit on Advanced Materials and Sustainable Energy.

Prof.Dr. Hamdullah SEVLI

Rector of Van Yuzuncu Yıl Unıversıty

Invıted Registered Speakers

Toshiaki Murai

University of Gifu, Japan

Aziz Habibi-Yangjeh

University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Iran

Mohd Ikmar Nizam Hj. Mohamad Isa

University of Islamic Sciences, Malaysia

Registered Plenary Presenters

Anna-Lena Kjøniksen

Østfold University College, Norway

Juqin Zeng

Politecnico di Torino, Italy

João Pedro Ferreira Carvalho

University of Aveiro, Portugal

Imen Hammami

University of Aveiro, Portugal

Susana Devesa

University of Coimbra, Portugal

Mariana Relva

Polytechnic University of Coimbra, Portugal

See all presenters


3rd Global Summit on Advanced Materials For Energy Applications

3rd Global Summit on Advanced Materials For Energy Applications (GAMSE25) will be held on 30 April-2 May at Aveiro University, Portugal

GAMSE25 is an international conference that aims to bring together scientists, researchers and industrialists from all over the world on a common platform to discuss and share recent advances in Engineering, Materials Science, Chemistry, and Physics.

GAMSE25 aims to bring together scientists, researchers, and practitioners in order to discuss and share cutting-edge development in the field. GAMSE25 provides an ideal platform and opportunity for all the young researchers to connect with eminent Scientists and Industrialists. The Conference is a premier enlightening and networking for all industry stakeholders, policy makers, investors, industry and research community to exchange experiences and challenges related to the development and scaling up in the field of engineering, materials science, chemistry, biology and physics.

Conference Chair

Manuel Graça

University of Aveiro / Portugal


Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan

Oxford University Press will host you at their journal stands throughout the conference.

Open Chemistry

All attendees of GAMSE25 conferences will receive 25 % discount for our Open Chemistry.

Chemistry Letters

Oxford University Press will host you at their journal stands throughout the conference.


Regular Regıstratıon


  • Attendance to all sessions of the conference, workshops
  • One copy of the electronic proceedings
  • The Welcome Reception

Regular Regıstratıon


  • Attendance to all sessions of the conference, workshops
  • One copy of the electronic proceedings
  • The Welcome Reception

Regular Regıstratıon


  • One Exhibition Space with One Table & Chairs
  • Full Page Advertisement in the Congress Program Brochure
  • Dedicated Session Time of up to 40 minutes
  • Logo, Website Link, and up to 200 words of Company Info on the Congress Website for 1 Year

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